Press About Kai-Kai
Here are links to a few articles Kai-Kai Farm has been featured in throughout the years
To learn more about Kai-Kai Farm journey and accomplishments (progression) over the years browse through featured articles.
Farm Flavor: How Martin County, Florida, Transitioned From Pineapple Haven to Agritourism Hub
Palm Beach Post: Farm dinners: Palm Beach County farms kick off new season ...
TCPalm.com: Farm to table: Treasure Coast restaurants that feature local produce
Stuart Magazine: Health and Wellness Festival Returns to Kai-Kai Farm
FloridaPolitics.com: Bill Cementing Tax Benefits for Farms Engaged in Agritourism Ready for Governor’s Signature
Palm Beach Illustrated: Kai-Kai Farm Offers Curbside CSA Pickup
Palm Beach Post: Farm dinner season: Here's what's cooking at Swank and Kai-Kai
Palm Beach Post
Palm Beach Post: Farm feast season is here: A complete guide to rural-chic food ...
TCPalm.com: Martin County chefs to serve farm-to-table dinner Feb. 24
Boca Raton Magazine: 5 Delicious (And Photo-Worthy) Places to Support Local Farmers
TCPalm.com: It's that time of year! Here are some must-try local farm feasts
TCPalm.com: Farmers are 'ever-shrinking minority' fighting to stay relevant in Florida
TCPalm.com: LatkeFest, Kai Kai Farms attract foodies in Martin County
TCPalm.com: Kai-Kai Farms in Indiantown offers fresh fall dinners